Brain aneurysm is enlargement of blood vessels in the brain due to thinning of the blood vessel walls. When blood flow presses the walls of blood vessels, blood vessels will bulge like a balloon. This condition can become very serious when a brain aneurysm ruptures and subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs. Brain aneurysm is a serious disease because it can cause brain damage and even death. Anyone can experience a brain aneurysm. This condition is generally suffered by women > 40 years old. The symptoms. Dizzy. Pain around the eyes. Difficult to talk. Disturbed body balance. Difficult to concentrate. Having a short memory. Paralysis on one side of the face. Vision loss. Eyelid drops. Symptoms when the brain aneurysm has ruptured : Nausea. The neck becomes stiff. Visual impairment or double vision. Convulsions. Severe headache. Loss of consciousness. Light sensitive. Paralyzed. Weak on one side of the body or legs. Cause. Brain aneurysms occur when blood vessel walls thin. The blood needed...
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