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Amputation is the loss of a part of the body (fingers, arms or legs) due to an injury or occurs through surgical procedures to prevent the spread of infection.

Parts of the body that are completely cut off, for example fingers broken due to injuries can sometimes be reconnected. That can be done if the broken part gets the right treatment.

In the condition of partially disconnected or there is still some soft tissue connected to the patient's body, it is also still possible to be reconnected. However, it depends on the severity of the injury suffered by the patient.

  • Traumatic amputation.
  • Accidental trauma.
  • Burns due to high voltage electricity.
  • Combat related trauma.
  • Frostbite : injuries to parts of the body due to cold temperatures that can cause parts of the body to freeze and experience tissue death.
  • Wild animal attack.
  • Peripheral artery disease : obstruction of blood circulation due to narrowing of peripheral blood vessels. This condition can result in body tissues that get blood flow can become infected or die.
  • Diabetes : can cause complications of diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy can make a person's feet numb and become infected. Reduced blood in the legs of diabetics slows down healing of wounds, infections and causes gangrene.
  • Osteomyelitis : infection that occurs in the bone.
  • Soft tissue infections necrotizing fasciitis: skin infections caused by bacteria.
  • Sarcoma : cancer that arises from various body tissues, such as muscle, connective tissue or bone.
  • Xenomelia or body integrity identity disorder : a disorder that occurs when someone amputates a healthy part of the body. This disease is thought to be a result of a neurological or psychological disorder.
The symptoms.
  • Pain.
  • Bleeding.
  • Body tissue is damaged.
First aid during Amputation :
  • Check breathing and heart rate.
  • Perform cardiac pulmonary resuscitation.
  • Calm the patient.
  • Stop the bleeding by pressing the wound directly.
  • Save broken body parts.
  • Clean the broken body parts.
  • Wrap the broken body part with a clean wet cloth, then put it in a tightly closed plastic and place the plastic in a container of ice water.
  • Cool the amputated body part, so that the separated body part is still possible to be reconnected. Without being cooled, the amputated part of the body can only last 4-6 hours to be reconnected.
  • Take good care of broken bones, torn wounds, and other injuries.
Things to consider when doing first aid in amputation patients :
  • Don't forget that saving someone's life is more important than saving a broken body part.
  • Do not ignore other injuries that are mild.
  • Do not force to connect body parts.
  • Do not use cloth to bind, except in bleeding conditions.
Treatment after Amputation :
  • Emotional adaptation.
  • Stretching exercises.
  • Strength training.
  • Walking exercises with or without assistive devices.
  • Prosthesis : A prosthesis can replace the function and appearance of a lost limb.
  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Damage to blood vessels and nerves.
  • Pain.
  • Phantom limb pain : pain that is felt in organs that are no longer possessed.
  • Deep vein thrombosis.
  • Fever or chills.
  • Pain around the amputation area.
  • Redness, swelling or bleeding stitches.
  • Healthy body parts experience numbness or tingling.
  • Liquid or pus formed.


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