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How narcotics affects the brain

Drug abuse is a global problem and includes organized crime. Narcotics are substances that when used can relieve pain, decrease or change consciousness and can cause dependence.

Narcotics classification.
Narcotics class I ️ may not be used for health services. It should only be used for the development of science, technology, and research reagents.

Narcotics class I ➡️ has a very high potential for addiction. Example: cannabis plants, heroin, methamphetamine.
Narcotics class II ️➡️ can be used as a final treatment option and has a high potential for dependence. Example: morphine.
Narcotics class III ️➡️ for treatment and has a mild potential for dependence. Example: codeine.

Narcotic effects on the central nervous system.
Depressants ️➡️ reduce the activity of the central nervous system, heart rate and respiratory rate. Examples: alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, Gamma-Hydroxy Butyrate (GHB).
Stimulants ️➡️ increase the activity of the central nervous system, heart rate, respiration and the sensation of euphoria. Examples: cocaine, amphetamines and methamphetamine.
Opioids ️➡️ depress the central nervous system, reduce pain and tend to induce sleep. Example: opium, heroin, morphine, tramadol.
Hallucinogens ️➡️ cause hallucinations, change mood and thinking. Example: LSD, peyote mescaline, ecstasy, magic mushroom.
New psychoactive substances ️➡️ New psychoactive substances are drugs that are made to resemble illegal substances such as cannabis, cocaine, ecstasy and LSD. Manufacturers of these drugs deliberately develop new chemical compounds that are not in the legal regulations so that they are free from legal sanctions. Has a stronger effect than narcotics. Examples: ketamine, synthetic cannabinoids, dimethyltriptane.

How narcotics affect the brain.
The main organ that narcotics will look for is the brain. Narcotics can penetrate the brain's barrier system.

The brain barrier system is an effective barrier system that protects the brain from the entry of drugs that can damage the brain.

Narcotics will change the structure and function of the brain. The human brain has thousands of nerve cells called neurons.

How narcotics can be addictive.
The neurotransmitter associated with narcotics is dopamine. Dopamine plays a role in feelings of pleasure and happiness. Dopamine is produced when a person feels happy.

What about narcotics?
When narcotics enter the brain, dopamine production will occur many times, so narcotics addicts feel happy, happy and more confident. The resulting effects make narcotics addicts continue to use narcotics.

Examples of cocaine abuse :
  • After cocaine enters the brain, cocaine will directly bind to the dopamine transporter, so that the dopamine in the synaptic cleft cannot be re-captured by the dopamine transporter. As a result, dopamine will stimulate nearby neurons. This condition occurs repeatedly as long as a person is under the influence of cocaine.
  • The brain also has an area that functions to record all pleasant things, so that the feeling of happiness experienced by narcotics addicts will be recorded by the brain. When narcotics addicts are in an unpleasant condition, narcotics addicts will remember about the pleasure that arises after using narcotics. Then he will find and use narcotics again.
Exposure narcotics on the brain continuously will make the work and function of the brain become abnormal. Narcotics addicts will experience disturbances :
  • Physical.
  • Psychological.
  • Mentally.
  • Perception.
  • Behavior.
Narcotics are the cause of brain disease due to brain nerve damage. Narcotics addicts should get medication and treatment in order to recover from narcotics addiction. Rehabilitation is the only way to recover narcotics addicts from narcotic dependence.


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