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Testicular Torsion is at risk for dead testicular tissue

Testicular Torsion is a condition where the spermatic cord (cord) that carries blood to the testicle is twisted. This condition causes the blood flow to the testicles to be disrupted, so there is a risk of testicular tissue dying.

The twisting of the spermatic cord causes :
  • Occlusion and strangulation of venous or arterial vasculature to the testis and epididymis.
  • Causes infarction.
Testicular Torsion is an emergency that requires surgery to avoid testicular damage. If this condition is not treated within 4-6 hours after the onset of pain, it can lead to infarction of the testes, followed by testicular atrophy.

Testicular Torsion can occur at any age between 10-30 years. The left testicle is more frequently torsion than the right testicle, because normally the left spermatic cord is longer.

Testicular Torsion occurs when the testicles can move very freely.
  • Long mesorchium.
  • The testes are in a horizontal position.
  • The epididymis is located at one of the poles of the testes.
  • Sudden changes in temperature while swimming. 
  • Cold temperature < 20°C. 
  • Afraid.
  • Excessive physical exercise.
  • Cough.
  • Wear tight pants.
  • Defecation or trauma to the scrotum.
  • Spasm and contraction of the cremaster and tunica dartos muscles.
  • Increase in testicular volume.
  • Testicular tumors.
  • History of cryptorchidism.
Intravaginal torsion ️➡️ occurs in the tunica vaginalis and is caused by abnormalities of the tunica on the spermatic cord in the scrotum. This torsion often occurs in adolescents and young adults.

Extravaginal torsion ️➡️ occurs when the entire testis and tunica are twisted in a vertical axis as a result of incomplete or non-fixation of the gubernaculum to the scrotal wall, causing free rotation within the scrotum. Torsion is common in neonates and testicular undescended conditions.

Clinical symptoms.
  • Severe pain in the scrotal area.
  • Swelling of the testicles.
  • Pain can radiate to the inguinal area or lower abdomen, so acute appendicitis is often suspected.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Mild fever.
  • Pyrexia when the testes are necrotic.
  • Burning sensation when urinating.
Physical examination.
  • The right testicle and the left testicle should be the same size. Asymmetric enlargement indicates a pathological condition in one testicle.
  • Changes in the color of the scrotal skin.
  • Pain in the testicles.
  • There is no cremaster reflex.
  • The testicles swell.
  • The presence of twisting or thickening of the spermatic cord.
  • Looks hyperemic.
  • Erythema and edema may extend to the contralateral scrotum.
  • Pain on palpation.
  • The entire testicle will be swollen and painful and appear larger due to venous congestion.
  • Shortening of the spermatic cord.
  • Pain does not decrease with testicular elevation (Prehn's sign).
Supporting investigation.
  • Doppler ultrasound examination : no blood flow was found.
  • Radionuclide scan examination : radionuclide tracer uptake is low.
  • Examination of urine sedimen : did not show the presence of leukocytes.
  • Blood examination : showed no signs of inflammation, except for torsion of the testicles that had experienced sterile inflammation.
  • Doppler ultrasound : shows lack of flow in testicular torsion.
Differential diagnosis.
  • Acute epididymis. 
  • Incarcerated scrotal hernia. 
  • Infected hydrocele.  
  • Testicular tumor. 
  • Scrotal edema.
It is necessary to restore blood flow to the testes as soon as possible.

  • Loss of blood supply to the testes in the long term will cause testicular atrophy.
  • Torsion of the testes can affect spermatogenesis.
  • Causes a testicular immune reaction due to the breakdown of the blood testicular barrier.
  • Testicular infarction. 
  • Loss of testicles.
  • Infection.
  • Secondary infertility.
  • Cosmetic deformity.


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