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Beware of Mucormycosis, black fungus infection

Mucormycosis is an infection of the Mucormycetes group of fungi in the order mucorales.

Mucormycetes fungal species that infect humans :

  • Rhizopus species and Mucor species.
  • Rhizomucor species.
  • Syncephalastrum species.
  • Cunninghamella bertholletiae.
  • Apophysomyces.
  • Lichtheimia/Absidia.
  • Saksenaea.

Mucormycetes natural habitat :

  • Soil.
  • Rotten material.
  • Leaf. 
  • Compost.
  • Rotting wood.

70%-80% of Mucormycosis infections in humans are caused by the genus Rhizopus and are followed by Mucor and Lichtheimia.

Based on the clinical, Mucormycosis is divided into 5 major clinical :

  • Rhinocerebral mucormycosis.
  • Pulmonary mucormycosis.
  • Cutaneous mucormycosis.
  • Gastrointestinal mucormycosis.
  • Disseminated mucormycosis.

Symptoms of Mucormycosis infection depend on the location of the infection.

Symptoms of Rhinocerebral Mucormycosis (sinuses and brain) :

  • Swollen face on one side.
  • Headache.
  • Nasal and sinus congestion.
  • Black lesions on the bridge of the nose or the inside of the mouth that develop progressively.
  • Fever.

Symptoms of Pulmonary Mucormycosis :

  • Fever.
  • Cough.
  • Chest pain.
  • Out of breath.

Symptoms of Cutaneous Mucormycosis :

  • The appearance of efflorescence Cutaneous Mucormycosis may look like blisters or ulcers and the infected area may turn black.
  • Pain.
  • Warm.
  • Swelling around the wound.

Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Mucormycosis :

  • Stomach ache.
  • Nauseous vomit.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding.

Symptoms of Disseminated Mucormycosis :

  • Disseminated mucormycosis usually occurs in people who are already sick because of another medical condition, making it difficult to know the symptoms associated with mucormycosis.

Classic symptoms of Mucormycosis ➡️ Rapid onset of tissue necrosis with or without fever.


Definitive Diagnosis ️➡️ Mucormycosis is established by histological evidence or positive culture from the specimen at the site of infection.

Rapid recognition, diagnosis and appropriate antifungal treatment are the keys to a good prognosis for the patient.


Suspected Mucormycosis ➡️

  • Anti-fungal therapy. ️
  • Amphotericin B lipid 5 mg/kg echinocandin.
  • Continue therapy for 2-3 weeks to see the response to therapy.

Staging the degree of disease ️➡️

  • The clinical examination of the radiographs is extensive in search of disseminated signs.
  • Consider bronchoscopy, biopsy of suspicious lesions of the skin, sinuses, hard palate.

Surgical consultation ️➡️

  • Immediately do a Rhino-Orbital disease examination.
  • Risk value : benefit to targeted vs extensive resection and/or debridement.

Reversal risk factors ️➡️

  • Hyperglycemia Control.
  • Corticosteroid rapid retargeting.
  • Postpone administration of immunosuppressive therapy.

Clinical and radiographic.

Clinical and radiographic improvement ➡️

  • Start Posaconazole 800 mg/day in divided doses and stop the antifungal after 3-5 days.
  • Confirm absorption of Posaconazole by checking serum levels after 5-7 days of therapy.
  • Repeat monitoring of drug levels in blood serum to confirm if malabsorption is suspected.


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