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Anosmia is a condition of losing the ability to smell. Anosmia can interfere with daily activities because a person cannot smell the aroma, it also affects the taste of salty, sweet, sour, or bitter foods on the tongue.

Over a long period of time, losing the ability to taste food can cause :
  • Weight loss.
  • Malnutrition.
  • Depression.

Temporary cases of anosmia caused by the flu will then disappear after the flu is cured. But in some cases, anosmia can be prolonged, even permanent. Anosmia that occurs for a long time can be a symptom of a serious illness, so it needs to be examined further by a doctor. If you suddenly experience anosmia without an obvious cause, consult a doctor immediately so that the cause can be identified and treated.

Anosmia is a condition that occurs when inhaled chemical molecules are blocked from attaching to nerve endings in the nose. Anosmia can also occur due to nerve disorders from the nose to the brain.

Diseases that can cause anosmia as a symptom :
  • Disorders of the inner walls of the nose due to irritation or buildup of mucus (sinusitis, colds, flu and rhinitis).
  • Blockage of the nasal cavity (due to nasal bone abnormalities, tumors, and nasal polyps).
  • Olfactory nerve damage resulting from aging, Alzheimer's disease, brain tumors, inhalation or ingestion of toxic substances, head injury, radiotherapy, diabetes, brain aneurysms, multiple sclerosis, malnutrition, Parkinson's disease, zinc deficiency, Sjogren's syndrome, Huntington's disease, Klinefelter's syndrome, wernicke-korsakoff syndrome, kalmann's syndrome.
Among the various diseases that can cause anosmia, anosmia that occurs due to nervous disorders needs special attention. Anosmia that appears suddenly without a known cause also needs to be checked by a doctor immediately.

  1. Evaluate medical history.
  2. The patient's physical exam will focus on the nasal passages to detect any swelling, inflammation, pus or polyps.
  3. Examination of the patient's brain nerves and mental condition to determine the patient's brain condition.
  4. MRI examination to detect any disorders or diseases related to the brain, especially in patients who have undetected problems with the nose and sinuses.
  5. CT scan to detect sinus problems, tumors or fractures in the nasal bones.
Treatment depends on the cause of the anosmia. If the disease that causes anosmia can be cured, then anosmia can also be cured. Example :
  • Anosmia due to bacterial infections of the nose and sinuses can be cured with antibiotics.
  • Anosmia due to birth defects, the condition is incurable.
Methods of treatment of the condition causing anosmia :
  • Surgical removal of nasal polyps. If not removed, polyps can interfere with the sense of smell.
  • Giving antihistamines to relieve anosmia caused by allergies. Anosmia caused by allergies can resolve on its own.
  • Cleansing of the nasal cavity.
  • Nasal bulkhead repair surgery.
  • Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (ESS) to clear the sinuses from inflammation.
  • Administration of antibiotics to treat infections.


  1. Halo dok,obatnya apa utk menyembuhkan anosmia ?sudah 4 hr sy mengalami hilang indra penciuman

    1. Dimasa pandemi saat ini, jika sudah 4 hari mengalami anosmia dan gejala seperti flu sebaiknya segera lakukan pemeriksaan rapid test di puskesmas terdekat

  2. Halo dok,obatnya apa utk menyembuhkan anosmia ?sudah 4 hr sy mengalami hilang indra penciuman


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