Albinism is a disorder of skin melanin production that causes melanin deficiency or lacks pigment at all. This condition causes the color of the hair, skin and eyes to look very pale or tend to be white. Albinism can be suffered by any ethnic group in the world. The term albino, generally better known to the public. The condition of albinism cannot be cured throughout the life of the sufferer.
The symptoms.
- The skin and hair color of people with albinism vary depending on the level of melanin produced by the body. Albinism sufferers generally have pale skin with white hair or have brown hair.
- Lack of melanin pigment can cause the skin of people with albinism to burn easily when exposed to direct sunlight. Sun exposure can cause skin cancer.
- Lack of melanin pigment in the eye can change the iris color (to gray or pale blue), causing distracted vision and light sensitivity.
Eye disorders due to albinism :
- Farsighted.
- Nearsighted.
- Astigmatism.
- Nystagmus.
Albinism is caused by a change or mutation in one of the genes responsible for assisting the production of melanin by melanocyte cells found in the eyes and skin. As a result of these gene changes, melanin production is disrupted, reduced drastically or not produced.
2 types of albinism based on symptoms :
- Ocular albinism ➡ affects the eyes and eyesight of the sufferer, causing little or no change in skin or hair color.
- Oculocutaneous albinism ➡ is the most common type of albinism. This condition affects hair, skin, eyes and eyesight.
- Albinism can be diagnosed directly since the patient is born through physical characteristics (hair color, skin and eyes).
- Pupillary checking.
- Check of the shape of the corneal arch.
- Check the direction of vision.
- Check of eye movements to diagnose nystagmus.
- There is no drug that can cure albinism, medication or treatment aimed at maximizing the patient's vision and protecting the skin.
- People with albinism usually throughout life must wear glasses or contact lenses.
- Albinism sufferers who experience photophobia (vision sensitive to sunlight) wear glasses that are able to ward off ultraviolet rays or dark-lensed glasses.
- In special conditions such as nystagmus, surgery to repair the eye muscles.
- Skin examination to find out how much the risk of skin cancer.
- Albinism sufferers avoid outdoor activities when the weather is hot. Always use sunscreen and clothing that can protect the skin from direct sunlight.
Albinism cannot be prevented. Family history of albinism sufferers is advised to consult a geneticist. This consultation aims to understand the opportunities for albinism in children, grandchildren and so on.
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