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Oxygen therapy in Covid-19 adult and pediatric patients

Oxygen therapy is the administration of additional oxygen given to patients :
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Infection.
  • Respiratory distress.
  • Hypoxemia.
  • Shock with a SpO target > 94%.

During oxygen therapy, SpO² monitoring must be carried out.
Emergency signs that require oxygen therapy :
  • SpO² < 94%.
  • Obstruction or not breathing.
  • Respiratory distress.
  • Central cyanosis.
  • Signs of shock (acral cold, Capilary Refill Time > 3 seconds, pulse is weak and fast).
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Convulsions.
  • Signs of dehydration (lethargy, skin tugor slows).
Algorithm for enhancing supportive respiratory therapy.

Indication of giving oxygen therapy ➡ giving oxygen therapy ➡ (Monitor if SpO² fails to respond) ➡ Start intubation if there is an indication ➡ Intubation and Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

Indications for oxygen therapy ➡ Oxygen therapy ➡ (Monitor if SpO² fails to respond) ➡ Considered in patients with mild-moderate degree and without hypercapnia, normal mental status, stable hemodynamics ➡ Non-Invasive Ventilation ➡ Intubation and Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

Indications for oxygen therapy ➡ Oxygen therapy ➡ (Monitor if SpO² fails to respond) ➡ Considered in patients with mild-moderate degree and without hypercapnia, normal mental status, hemodynamically stable ➡ High Flow Nasal Cannula ➡ Intubation and Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

Indications for oxygen therapy ➡ Oxygen therapy ➡ (Monitor if SpO² fails to respond) ➡ Considered in patients with mild-moderate degree and without hypercapnia, normal mental status, stable hemodynamics ➡ Bubble Continuous Positive Airway Pressure ➡ Intubation and Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

Oxygen therapy in adults.
  • Put the prongs in the nostril, hook it behind the ear. Flow > 5 lpm can cause dry mucosa.
  • Make sure the mask covers the nose and mouth. Pull the rubber over the head.
  • Make sure the bag is full to deliver high-flow oxygen concentrations.

  • Start by giving 5 lpm oxygen.
  • Use nasal prongs.
  • Monitor response.
➡ If the increase in respiratory distress or SpO² < 90%
  • Use a face mask.
  • Increase oxygen from 6-10 lpm.
  • Monitor response.
➡ If the increase in respiratory distress or SpO² < 90%
  • Use a face mask with a reservoir.
  • Increase oxygen 10-15 lpm.
  • Make sure the bag is inflated.
  • Call a doctor for help.
  • Monitor response.
➡ If the increase in respiratory distress or SpO² < 90%, transfer to the hospital with an invasive mechanical ventilator facility
  • Tracheal intubation may be needed.
  • Start manual ventilation (bagging) with high flow oxygen.
Estimated FiO² when administering oxygen :
  • O² Speed ​​2-4 L / min ~ FiO² 0,28-0,36
  • Speed ​​O² 5 L / min ~ FiO² 0,40
  • Speed ​​O² 6-10 L / min ~ FiO² 0,44-0,60
  • Speed ​​O² 10-15 L / min ~ FiO² 0,60-0,95
If respiratory distress and hypoxemia fail to be corrected even with the use of adequate oxygen therapy aids, use the ABCDE Basic Emergency Care assessment quickly.

If there is a mental status disorder in the patient even though SpO² > 90%, consider :
  • Airway management, ventilation preparation if needed, no need to wait until the patient's blood gas analysis comes out.
  • Check AGD if it is not available to evaluate ventilation. Patients with acute respiratory acidosis from carbon dioxide (CO²) retention cannot be detected only with SpO.
  • Consider alternative causal disorders of mental status and treat them (eg hypoglycemia, electrolyte disturbances and disorders of the central nervous system).
Oxygen therapy in children.
  • Nasal cannula is fixed with tape on the right and left cheeks near the nose.
  • Oxygen therapy using nasal cannulas is preferred for infants and children < 5 years old with hypoxemia.
Oxygen therapy is given at ➡
  • SpO² < 90% in children with respiratory distress alone.
  • SpO² < 94% in children with emergency signs with or without respiratory distress.
Oxygen therapy is started using nasal kanul at flow velocity ➡
  • 0.5-1 lpm for neonates.
  • 1-2 lpm for infants.
  • 2-4 lpm for older children.
  • Oxygen therapy uses a suitable face mask with a speed of 4 lpm to reach SpO ≥ 94%.
In conditions of persistent hypoxemia even with adequate oxygen flow :
  • Start Continuous Positive Airway Pressure if available.
  • Start administering oxygen from the second source by using a face mask with a reservoir bag.


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