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What you need to know about Tuberculosis and Covid-19

  1. Tuberculosis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis which was discovered by Robert Koch on March 24, 1882.
  2. Attacking the respiratory tract and can spread to other body parts, such as bones, glands, etc.
  3. Tuberculosis is a contagious disease.
  4. Transmission of tuberculosis by splashing when the patient coughs, sneezes and speaks of germs comes out through the air and is inhaled by other people.
  5. Tuberculosis treatment with anti-tuberculosis drugs for at least 6 months.

  • Covid-19 is a new type of coronavirus discovered in 2019.
  • Attacking the respiratory tract.
  • Including infectious diseases.
  • Transmission of Covid-19 by splashing when an infected person sneezes, coughs, through droplets of fluid from the nose and sticks to the surface of the object, then is touched by a healthy person resulting in transmission.
  • There is no effective specific treatment for Covid-19.
Differences in symptoms of Tuberculosis and Covid-19.
Fever ➡
  • Tuberculosis : often occurs continuously for no apparent reason.
  • Covid-19 : often happens.
Headache ➡
  • Tuberculosis : none.
  • Covid-19 : often complained.
Fatigue ➡
  • Tuberculosis : often complained of.
  • Covid-19 : often complained.
Cough ➡
  • Tuberculosis : chronic cough can last> 2 weeks.
  • Covid-19 : sudden sputum and dry phlegm, will sputum in severe cases.
Faringitis ➡
  • Tuberculosis : none.
  • Covid-19 : often reported.
Weight loss ➡
  • Tuberculosis : often complained of.
  • Covid-19 : nothing.
Night sweats ➡
  • Tuberculosis : often complained of.
  • Covid-19 : nothing.
Decreased appetite ➡
  • Tuberculosis : often complained of.
  • Covid-19 : unknown.
Shortness of breath ➡
  • Tuberculosis : there is however constant.
  • Covid-19 : shortness of breath will get worse in a matter of days.
Are Tuberculosis patients at high risk of Covid-19 infection?
Covid-19 can affect anyone, especially people who have chronic lung disorders. People at high risk of contracting Covid-19 include :
  • Elderly group.
  • Patients with heart problems.
  • Have a history of Tuberculosis and Diabetes.
If a Tuberculosis patient is infected with Covid-19 what to do?
Tuberculosis patients must be obedient to undergo treatment until healed. It's important for patients to apply :
  • Cough ethics.
  • Clean and healthy life practices.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water.
  • Stay home and stay away from the crowd for a while.
  • If you feel the symptoms of Covid-19 immediately contact health services.
People who have a history of Tuberculosis must do the following to prevent Covid-19 :
  • Apply the ethics of coughing and sneezing.
  • Be diligent in washing hands with soap and water for 60 seconds or use hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol).
  • Avoid touching the face, mouth, eyes and nose.
  • Avoid shaking hands.
  • Keep a distance of more than 1 meter with other people.
  • Avoid crowded places for a while.
Healthy lifestyle to prevent tuberculosis :
  • Eat nutritious foods to increase endurance.
  • Open the window so that the house gets enough sunlight and fresh air.
  • Drying the sleeping mat so it is not damp.
  • Immunize BCG on newborns up to 2 months of age to avoid Tuberculosis, Meningitis and Million.
  • Regular exercise.
  • Do not smoke.
Ethics when coughing :
  • Use a mask.
  • Cover your nose and mouth using your arms.
  • Cover the nose and mouth with tissue or cloth.
  • Immediately discard the tissue that has been used.
  • Wash hands with running water and soap for 60 seconds.


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