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Questions and answers. What you need to know about coronavirus

What is a Coronavirus ?
Coronavirus is a virus that causes disease in animals or humans. In humans, coronaviruses cause mild disease (such as common cold) to severe degrees (such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome/ MERS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome/ SARS). In December 2019, a new type of coronavirus appeared in the city of Wuhan, China. It is called the novel coronavirus-2019, which caused COVID-19 disease.

What are the symptoms of COVID-19 ?
Common symptoms of COVID-19 :
  • Fever.
  • Tired.
  • Dry cough.
  • Some patients may complain of myalgia.
  • Nasal Congestion.
  • Throat pain.
  • Diarrhea.
In asymptomatic patients, the majority of cases (80%) can recover without the need for special therapy. The mortality rate from COVID-19 cases is 2%. Only 1 in 6 COVID-19 patients have fatal symptoms, such as shortness of breath. Severe cases generally occur in elderly patients or patients who have a history of the disease, such as :
  • Hypertension.
  • Heart disease.
  • Diabetes.
How does the spread of COVID-19 occur ?
The spread of COVID-19 occurs between humans through droplets, from the nose or mouth when inhaling or coughing. Droplets can be attached to items or surfaces around the patient. Transmission occurs when another person touches an object or surface exposed to a virus, then touches the eyes, nose or mouth. It is important to keep a distance of more than 1 meter from people infected with the COVID-19 virus.

Can COVID-19 be transmitted through someone who is asymptomatic ?
The main spread of COVID-19 disease is through droplets when sufferers cough. The risk of contracting it through people who do not have symptoms is very low, but the majority of COVID-19 patients have mild cough symptoms that allow it to be transmitted.

What is the risk of COVID-19 transmission ?
The risk of transmission depends on the place of residence, travel history and social interactions.

Should we be worried because of COVID-19 ?
Low risk of transmission if :
  • Not in the COVID-19 distribution area.
  • Have no history of traveling to the area of ​​the plague.
  • There is no contact with people who are sick.
It is important to find credible information from health workers, so that prevention can be done appropriately. If in the COVID-19 outbreak area, follow the advice of a local health worker because the risk of infection is very high.

Is antiboitic effective in preventing or treating COVID-19 ?
No. Antibiotics cannot fight viruses COVID-19. Antibiotics are only effective in treating bacterial infections. Antibiotics are not recommended as prevention or therapy of COVID-19.

Is there a vaccine or treatment for COVID-19 ?
Until now there is no specific vaccine or antiviral drug to treat COVID-19. Patients can be treated by relieving symptoms, most patients can recover with supportive treatment.

Specific vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 are under investigation (clinical trials stage). The most effective ways to prevent transmission :
  • Wash your hands often.
  • Do cough ethics correctly.
  • Keep a distance of 1 meter from people who cough or sneeze.
Should I wear a mask as protection ?
If there are no respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, a mask is not needed. WHO recommendations for the use of masks are for people with symptoms of COVID-19 and people who care for patients with symptoms of cough and fever. Masks need to be used by people who are sick and have a history of traveling to the COVID-19 epidemic area.

WHO recommends using masks effectively so that they are not wasted.

How to wear and dispose of a mask properly ?
  • Masks are only worn if you have respiratory symptoms, such as coughing, fever or only to health workers.
  • Before touching the mask, wash hands with alcohol / soap and water.
  • Pay attention if there are holes in the mask.
  • Determine the top side (the part with metal lines).
  • Make sure the outer side of the mask (the colored side outside).
  • Press the metal line so that it follows the shape of the nose.
  • Pull the mask over the nose and mouth.
  • Dispose of the mask in a closed trash can.
  • Wash hands after touching or removing the mask.
How long is the COVID-19 incubation period ?
The incubation period is the time between contracting the virus and the onset of symptoms of the disease. The incubation period for COVID-19 is around 1-14 days, but there are many incubations for 5 days.

Can COVID-19 infection be transmitted from animals ?
Coronavirus is a type of virus found in animals. For example, SARS-CoV is transmitted by cats or MERS-CoV is transmitted by camels. The source of COVID-19 transmission through animals has not been confirmed. To prevent this, avoid direct contact with animals or the surface of objects touched by animals and do not eat raw food.

Can COVID-19 be transmitted from pets ?
No. To date there have been no cases of pets, such as cats or dogs that have been infected and transmitted COVID-19.

How long can the COVID-19 virus live on the surface of an object ?
There is no exact data on how long COVID-19 can live on the surface, allegedly almost the same as other types of coronavirus, which is for several hours to several days. Depending on the type of surface, temperature or humidity of the environment.

The surface of objects suspected of being infected with a virus, can be cleaned using an effective disinfectant to kill the virus.

Is it safe to receive packages originating from the COVID-19 outbreak area ?
Secure. The likelihood of sufferers transmitting the virus to a package is quite low and the likelihood of someone being infected from a package that has been sent and exposed to various conditions including temperatures is also low.


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