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Nettox Watch, a tool to prevent mental health disorders caused by gadget addiction

Internet addiction.
Addiction is a disorder that has a significant effect on physical and psychological health. Mobile is a physical object that is used to access the internet with all content. Mobile addiction is related to personality problems that are influenced by open technology.

Diagnosis of Internet Gaming Disorder, which is a persistent and recurrent use of the internet, resulting in disturbances or distress with several criteria for 12 months.

Nettox Watch.
Nettox stands for Internet Detox, which is a device used on the wrist and functions to regulate the use of mobile phones. This tool has features to measure levels of oxygen and hemoglobin bonds, heart rate variability (HRV).

Nettox Watch is a tool created by Indonesian University students

Research shows that prolonged use of mobile phones has side effects on levels of Heart Rate Variability (HRV). If there are decreased HRV and oxygen levels and do not match normal values, Nettox will warn the user in the form of sound.

The Nettox Watch tool was created by University of Indonesia students, but is still being developed so that it can be modified based on :
  • Body shape.
  • Genitals.
  • Health condition.
The technology used in Nettox Watch is Biofeedback-based therapy, which uses the body's biological signals to give health warnings to users who use the internet on mobile phones excessively because they have a negative impact on health, such as decreased heart rate variability (HRV).

One of the innovator students, explained, "The making of this tool was inspired by seeing wearable devices with increasingly sophisticated health sensors, such as the Xiaomi Mi Band. Wearable Nettox wants to take technology even further by using data from sensors to indicate whether users are experiencing reduced health due to internet use exaggerated."

The use of this tool is intended so that users free from addicted to mobile phones and the internet that can affect mental health.

Stress and Heart Rate Variability.
  • Pulse variability is sensitive to changes in autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity that are associated with changes in environmental factors including stress.
  • Neuroimaging examination shows HRV is associated with threatened perceptions mediated by the cortical area during stressful situations.
  • In clinical situations, HRV can be one of the parameters that reflects cardiac activity and autonomic health.
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) indicates the heart's ability to respond due to psychological and environmental factors, such as :
  • Breathe.
  • Physical activity.
  • Mental stress.
  • Hemodynamic changes.
  • Psychological Change.


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