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Laboratory tests, specimens and diagnoses of suspected cases of COVID-19

Corona virus.
Ordo : nidovirales.
Family : coronaviridae.
Genus :
  • Alpha corona virus.
  • Beta corona virus.
  • Delta corona virus.
  • Gamma corona virus.
Group : Group IV ((+) ssRNA).

Human coronaviruses (which cause out breaks).
  • MERS-Cov : beta coronavirus causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
  • SARS-Cov : beta coronavirus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
  • 2019 Coronavirus Novel (COVID-19).
Specimens for diagnosis.
Specimen types and priorities for improving detection :
  • Taking 3 types of specimens from the upper respiratory tract, lower respiratory tract and serum.
  • Taking other specimens, such as urine and feces for further examination in the laboratory.
  • Specimens must be taken as soon as the patient falls under the Patients Under Investigation criteria regardless of the symptom onset.
  • Pay attention to infection prevention and control when taking specimens.
Nasopharyngeal Swab and Oropharyngeal Swab.
Nasopharyngeal Swab ➡
  • Insert the swab into the nostrils parallel to the palate.
  • Allow a few moments for NP secretions to seep into the swab.
  • Immediately insert the swab into the tube containing the VTM.
  • Perform NP swabs from both nostrils.
Oropharyngeal Swab ➡
  • Swab in the back of the pharynx, not touching the tongue.
  • Immediately insert the swab into the tube containing the VTM.
Patient criteria under investigation (Patients Under Investigation) for COVID-19 infections.
Clinical symptoms : 
  • Fever and symptoms of lower respiratory tract infections (coughing and shortness of breath).
Epidemiological risks :
  • A history of travel to Wuhan, China within 14 days before the appearance of clinical symptoms.
  • Within 14 days before symptoms appear there is a history of contact with a sick person who is under surveillance of COVID-19 infection.
  • Within 14 days before symptoms appeared there was a history of contact with patients who were proven to suffer from COVID-19 infection.


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