Based on WHO data, Ebola outbreaks have occurred since 2018. Ebola outbreaks are classified as level 3 emergencies. Level 3 emergencies is the highest level emergencies where events in one or many countries with high consequences for public health require a large response from the World Customs Organization (WCO) and World Health Organization (WHO).
The Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo was declared the Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on July 17, 2019. Besides Ebola, other serious diseases that are endemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo are measles and cholera, so Congo needs support to strengthen the health system.
The course of Ebola disease.
The Ebola virus, formerly known as the Ebola hemorrhagic fever, was first discovered in 1976 in the Ebola River. At that time Ebola appeared in 2 outbreaks simultaneously :
- Nzara.
- South Sudan.
- Yambuku.
- Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The year 2014-2016 was the highest Ebola outbreak since it was first discovered, occurring in :
- Guinea.
- Sierra Leone.
- Liberia.
- At that time the number of cases reached 28,610 and the death rate reached 11,308 people. In June 2016 the outbreak was declared complete.
Ebola disease transmission comes from wild animals, such as :
- Fruit bat.
- Porcupine.
- Mammals.
- etc.
From wild animals transmitted to humans, then transmitted between humans to humans through direct contact with :
- Blood.
- Secret.
- Organ.
- Patient's bodily fluids.
The symptoms.
Ebola sufferers cannot transmit the disease until symptoms appear. Symptoms are preceded by :
- Fever.
- Headache.
- Muscle ache
- Throat pain.
- Gag.
- Diarrhea.
- Rash.
- Impaired liver and kidney function.
- Laboratory tests : an increase in white blood cells and an increase in liver function.
- Automatic nucleic acid test.
- Rapid antigen detection test if the nucleic acid test is not available.
Ebola treatment is done by means of supportive therapy, because no specific drug has been found for the Ebola virus.
- Supportive therapy : Rehydration orally or intravenous fluids.
- Symptomatic therapy.
The Ebola vaccine has proven to be very effective in protecting itself against the Ebola virus. The rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine has been used in response to an outbreak that occurred in Congo.
Ebola again became epidemic in 2018.
Starting with the discovery of someone dying at home after Ebola symptoms appeared, then his family also experienced the same symptoms and died.
How to prevent transmission of Ebola :
- Reducing the risk of transmitting wild animals to humans.
- Reducing the risk of transmission between people.
- Bury the dead patient safely so as not to transmit the disease to the public.
- Identification of people who may have contact with infected patients and evaluation for 21 days.
- Hygiene and maintain environmental cleanliness.
- Reducing the risk of transmission through sexual activity. Patients recovering from Ebola can engage in safe and hygienic sexual activity 12 months after symptoms disappear or the semen test is negative.
- Avoid contact with body fluids of infected patients, wash immediately with soap and water.
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